
What is the meaning of the name Brooks?

The name Brooks is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means From The Brook.

English surname. Mel Brooks, screewriter/comedian. Garth Brooks, singer.

People who like the name Brooks also like:

Graham, Liam, Hudson, Everett, Emmett, Harrison, Grayson, Charlotte, Scarlett, Brynn, Olivia, Violet, Ava, Ella

Names like Brooks:

Burroughs, Breck, Beres, Barossa, Berke, Bragi, Baraz, Brooke, Borka, Brocky, Brizio, Baruch, Boreas, Burris, Brisia, Briseis, Brook, Birch, Breeze, Berach, Brick, Bruce, Barak, Berg, Burke, Burgess, Brac, Briggs, Brosh, Brock

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Brooks Rauch - son of Melissa Rauch and Winston Beigel , born 2020
Adam Brooks Firestone - son of Andrew Firestone and Ivana Firestone , born 2009
Wilder Brooks Hudson - son of Oliver Hudson and Erinn Bartlett , born 2007

Stats for the Name Brooks

checkmark Brooks is currently #63 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Brooks is currently #73 in U.S. births

Songs about Brooks

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Hey There Mr. Brooks - Asking Alexandria
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