
What is the meaning of the name Briar?

The name Briar is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Shrub, Small Tree.

People who like the name Briar also like:

Gabriel, Everett, Declan, Oliver, Finn, Archer, Liam, Charlotte, Aurora, Scarlett, Audrey, Ava, Violet, Hazel

Names like Briar:

Brewer, Bree, Ber, Brier, Brea, Birre, Bahar, Beary, Bria, Berry, Babar, Bahari, Brye, Behar, Bary, Bray, Bear, Barrera, Baara, Barry, Bauer, Beroe, Brie, Bouvier, Bora, Boyer, Barr

Stats for the Name Briar

checkmark Briar is currently #48 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Briar is currently #550 in U.S. births
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