
What is the meaning of the name Boaz?

The name Boaz is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that means Strength.

People who like the name Boaz also like:

Judah, Elijah, Ezekiel, Silas, Malachi, Isaiah, Solomon, Evangeline, Audrey, Selah, Josephine, Charlotte, Eleanor, Naomi

Names like Boaz:

Boys, Beck, Bice, Bugsy, Basia, Bas, Bucky, Baback, Bass, Becca, Bosco, Bash, Base, Bevis, Buz, Buck, Bich, Basye, Babak, Boyka, Bijou, Beyza, Bijoux, Bessie, Bozica, Becka, Bess, Baz, Boyko, Becky

Stats for the Name Boaz

checkmark Boaz is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Boaz is currently #958 in U.S. births
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