
What is the meaning of the name Remy?

The name Remy is primarily a gender-neutral name of French origin that means Oarsman Or Remedy.

From either the name Remigius "oarsman" or the name Remedius "remedy"

Different Spellings of the name Remy:

Remmie, Rémy

People who like the name Remy also like:

Finn, Liam, Declan, Felix, Henry, Jasper, Oliver, Scarlett, Olivia, Ava, Violet, Genevieve, Charlotte, Amelia

Names like Remy:

Rima, Ron, Ruana, Ramana, Rummy, Rani, Rowanne, Roni, Raman, Romannea, Roanne, Raine, Romano, Rooney, Roma, Roman, Rhianna, Rana, Ramim, Romeo, Ryan, Ramu, Romee, Reno, Romy, Rania, Ruhan, Rehn, Reina, Rain

Stats for the Name Remy

checkmark Remy is currently #100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Remy is currently #641 in U.S. births
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