
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Of The Lord, Belonging To God

What is the meaning of the name Dominick?

The name Dominick is primarily a male name of Latin origin that means Of The Lord, Belonging To God.

Dominick Dunne, writer.

People who like the name Dominick also like:

Alexander, Dominic, Lucas, Gavin, Gabriel, Liam, Ethan, Isabella, Sophia, Olivia, Ava, Amelia, Victoria, Abigail

Names like Dominick:

Damek, Dunixi, Deniz, Donosa, Dionysia, Damaso, Denise, Domicio, Dominica, Domenica, Damonica, Dionysius, Denisa, Dong, Denis, Danais, Dung, Denji, Denicia, Demas, Donagh, Dominique, Donnacha, Danesha, Denisha, Dionicio, Dancho, Domingo, Danessa, Dominic

Stats for the Name Dominick

checkmark Dominick is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Dominick is currently #554 in U.S. births

Songs about Dominick

Click button to listen on iTunes

Dominick the Donkey - Lou Monte
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