
What is the meaning of the name Bennett?

The name Bennett is primarily a gender-neutral name of Latin origin that means Little Blessed One.

Bennett Cerf, author, punster. Constance and Joan Bennett, actress sisters.

People who like the name Bennett also like:

Hudson, Everett, Owen, Emmett, Declan, Liam, Benjamin, Ava, Ella, Charlotte, Amelia, Scarlett, Violet, Olivia

Names like Bennett:

Benito, Bond, Bunty, Bunta, Bionda, Benedetta, Benita, Benoite, Bindi, Beaumont, Benoit, Bento, Bent, Bente, Bandit, Binda, Bonita

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Bennett Robert Godley - son of Jane Krakowski and Robert Godley , born 2011
Oscar Bennett Goldsmith - son of Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith , born 2022

Stats for the Name Bennett

checkmark Bennett is currently #55 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Bennett is currently #74 in U.S. births
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