
  • Gender: Male
  • Origin: French
  • Meaning: Beautiful, Handsome

What is the meaning of the name Beau?

The name Beau is primarily a male name of French origin that means Beautiful, Handsome.

Beau Bridges, actor

People who like the name Beau also like:

Benjamin, Oliver, Wyatt, Gabriel, Liam, Henry, Finn, Violet, Scarlett, Amelia, Aurora, Charlotte, Grace, Ava

Names like Beau:

Bi, Bev, Beppe, Bia, Bobby, Bubba, Bhavya, Bai, Bua, Buu, Baha, Buffy, Bea, Beba, Bob, Bao, Bibi, Bowie, Babe, Bay, Baby, Boo, Bebe, Baba, Bayou, Bae, Bavo, Bo, Boye

Celebrity Babies with this Name:

Beau Devine - son of Adam Devine and Chloe Bridges , born 2024
Beau Lee Combs - son of Luke Combs and Nicole Combs , born 2023
Beau Bobby Bruce Schulman - son of Nev Schulman and Laura Perlongo , born 2019

Stats for the Name Beau

checkmark Beau is currently #72 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts
checkmark Beau is currently #79 in U.S. births
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